Frequently Asked Questions
What is leadership?
Leadership is the state at which an individual can influence and bring others towards a shared goal.
Effective Leadership is done by using one's Personal Brand in impacting others' lives for the better.
What are the consequences of ineffective management?
The most common examples are high attrition rates, demotivated team, promotion of unprepared individuals, regular miscommunication, missed sales opportunities, disorganized project management, and teams working in silos.
Who are the leaders in transition?
Leaders in Transition are people who are evolving from being an individual contributor to a Team Leader or Manager. They go through moments that require changes in different aspects of their professional lives.
In this transition phase, people have to decide what to leave behind and what to bring forward. The challenge is to reconcile the Leader one wants to be and the Leader the team needs him or her to be.
Who are your ideal enrollees or clients?
We get energized working with people who are open to embrace their strengths and recognize their blindspots.
We seek to empower people embrace their strengths so they can be their Natural Best.
They may not have the resources to take a Masters or MBA, but having that student for life mindset will make them get more from our programs.
What services do you offer?
Check out our full service offerings here: https://www.brandem.ph/ourservices
Who are your services for?
ELITE: For business executives and seasoned company managers
To help nurture career engagement and satisfaction; and awaken one's brand of leadership
Individuals in transition who are shifting careers or industries, planning to join the family business and put up their own business, and thinking of reconciling their passion and career
Children of business owners (G2) who are set to become the Next Generation leaders
New leaders Individuals who are starting to take on leadership responsibilities and need external guidance
TEAMS: For companies and teams
Empower managers and team members through culture and work dynamics initiatives
Company leaders and managers who want to develop their Team
Teams with talented and skilled members, but face challenges when working as a Team
New managers who want to be better prepared in taking on their new role
PRIME: For professionals and new managers
Increase productivity and accelerate a chosen skill's development
Individuals who may not have the time and resources to enroll in a full-time program but wish to interject subtle improvements in his or her workplace and career
People who experience misguided leadership and would like to find data, tips and insights to improve this
Can your programs be applied to the Philippine setting?
Syempre naman. Our frameworks are based on certified global best practices which we contextualize to the Philippine setting; to your brand and company. While our programs are in english, our delivery can be in Filipino too.
Our experience since has taught us to be well-versed in the family-owned business and SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) setting.
How much is the investment of your programs? How can I enroll?
Great question!
Receive a more accurate quotation after you answer our intake form here: https://tinyurl.com/BrandeMCCADIntakeForm
For more questions, you may email us at MyStory@Brandem.ph
How does a brand come alive?
We believe the most effective and sustainable way for your Brand to come alive is through your People. They are in the best position to share, and exhibit your Brand Story.
Do you do Marketing, Design, and Advertising services?
We do not offer Marketing, Design and Advertising services.
We can connect you with our Design and Digital partners whom we have worked with through the years on an advisory capacity.